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Ann Christy
From WikipediaAnn Christy (May 31, 1905 – November 14, 1987) was anAmerican motion picture actress.Born Gladys Cronin in Logansport, Indiana, Christy leftIndiana and relocated to California where she attended Polytechnic High Schoolin Los Angeles. She intended to pursue a career in business, but was persuadedby friends to try acting. She made her film debut in a bit part in the 1927film Long Pants, starring Harry Langdon. That same year, she awarded an AlChristie comedy leading lady film contract in May 1927. She appeared in filmcomedies with Bobby Vernon and Neal Burns. In 1928, Christy was selected byHarold Lloyd from more than fifty applicants to play his leading lady in thecomedy Speedy (1928). That same year, she was selected one of thirteen WAMPASBaby Stars.Following her success in Speedy, Christy vacationed in NewYork. When she returned to Hollywood, she discovered that she had beenforgotten. She returned to acting with parts in collegian film serials withUniversal Pictures.She made her last onscreen appearance in the 1932 filmBehind Stone Walls, starring Edward J. Nugent.
Place of birth
Logansport, Indiana, USA
Death day