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Manuel Walser
The swiss bornbaritone MANUEL WALSER studied singing under Thomas Quasthoff since October2008 at the Hochschule für Musik “Hanns Eisler” in Berlin. Aside from ThomasQuasthoff, his most important mentors and teachers include Brigitte Fassbaender, Frédéric Gindraux andWolfram Rieger. At the International Song Competition Das Leid in Berlin in2013, he was awarded the first prize and the Public’s prize. Furthermore, he isa prize winner of the Stella Maris International Song Competition and in May2014, he was awarded the Armin Weltner Stiftung prize. Manuel Walser has anactive concert schedule. In 2011, Manuel Walser was on the stage inWolf-Ferraris Aschenputtel at theBerliner Staatsoper. At the Wiener Staatsoper, he gave his debut in 2013 asFiorello and has also sung Marullo. From the 2015/2016 season, he is a member ofthe ensemble. In summer 2014, he gave his debut at the Slazburger Festspielenas Brutamonte in Schubert’s Fierrabras. http://www.wiener-staatsoper.at/Content.Node/home/kuenstler/saengerinnen/Manuel-Walser.en.php