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Markus Eiche


MARKUS EICHE was born in St. Georgen im Schwarzwald,he studied in Karlsruhe and Stuttgart and is a prizewinner of several nationaland international competitions. He started his career at the National theaterMannheim, and there played the roles of Marcello (La Bohème), Wolfram (Tannhäuser),Papageno (Zauberflöte), Guglielmo (Così fan tutte) as well as theleading roles in Wozzeck and Don Giovanni. In the season 2007/2008, he became anensemble member of the Wiener Staatsoper and sang among others, Marcello,Jeletzki, Belcore (L’elisir d’amore), Albert (Werther), Lescaut (Manon),Fritz/Frank, Valentin (Faust), Donner (Das Rhein­gold), Gunther (Götterdämmerung),Eugen Onegin, Don Juan (Aus einem Totenhaus), and Dr. Fal­ke (DieFledermaus). In addition, he has appeared as a guest at the SalzburgerFestspie­len, the Milan Scala, the Nederlandse Opera Amsterdam, the SemperoperDresden, the Deutschen Staatsoper Berlin, the Finnish National Opera, the GranTeatre del Liceu Barcelona, the Münchner Staatsoper and at the BayreutherFestspielen. Since autumn 2012, Markus Eicheteaches at the Zurich Hochschhule der Künste.    http://www.wiener-staatsoper.at/Content.Node/home/kuenstler/saengerinnen/Eiche.en.php