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Alicia Calderón Torres


Portraitsof a Search(2014) is her first documentary feature film. This project wasselected by IMCINEto receive Guidance for the Development of Storylines and wasproduced with the Fund for Quality Film Production FOPROCINE. In2010, she participated in the Theory and Practice Workshop ofDocumentary Filming and Postproduction, sponsored by AMBULANTEand the Mexican Film Institute, where she was selected to direct theshort film APossible Dream.Shehas worked as a journalist in written press, radio and television for14 years. Her works have been published in Mexico’s main editorialgroups, such as Reformaand Milenio,as well as in international media, such as the AssociatedPress agencyand the cultural channel NCI,of the Association of Ibero-American Educational and CulturalTelevision.Shehas a bachelor in Communication Sciences and Techniques by the UNIVA,with postgraduate studies in Communication, Social Change andDevelopment, at the Complutense University of Madrid. She has taughtat the bachelor in Communication of the ITESO,the Jesuit university of Guadalajara. She is former grant holder ofthe Ibero-American New Journalism Foundation, of the Knight Centerfor Journalism, among others. Sheis currently working on her second feature film documentary, in whichshe has had the guidance of documentary filmmaker Tatiana Huezo inthe Development stage, as part of the workshops of the InternationalFilm Festival in the Desert, held in Sonora.