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Christian Lindberg


Christian Lindberg’s achievements for the trombone can only be comparedwith those of Paganini for the violin or Liszt for the piano. Havingpremièred over 300 works for the trombone (including more than 30composed by Christian himself), recorded over 70 solo CD’s, and havingan international solo competition created in his name in Valencia,Spain, Christian Lindberg is today nothing less than a living legend. At an early stage of his career he joined Yo Yo Ma and Gidon Kremer asthe BBC Music Magazine’s soloist of the year. In 2000, together withLouis Armstrong and Miles Davis, he was voted by an international pollthe greatest brass players of the 20th century. He was the first Swedishinstrumentalist ever to be invited to perform as soloist with theBerlin Philharmonic Orchestra and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. In2007 he was artist in residence at the Musikverein in Vienna – the‘stronghold’ of traditional classical music. Christian Lindberg hasworked with practically every major orchestra and conductor in the worldtoday. For a trombonist to achieve all this before turning 50 is, tosay the least, remarkable. Gradually Christian Lindberg has also embarked on two new successfulcareers as conductor and composer. ( Read more about this on ChristianLindberg’s conductor and composer biographies on this website ) TodayChristian Lindberg almost exclusively appears as a soloist in programmeswhere he conducts himself.  His future schedule contains only a fewexclusive soloistic collaborations such as with the ConcertgebouwOrchestra in Amsterdam. He now combines his position as chief conductor of the Arctic SymphonyOrchestra with guest conducting the foremost international orchestrasand working on composition commissions from international orchestras,ensembles and instrumentalists in combination with his activities as aninstrumentalist. Parallel with all these activities, Christian Lindberg makes sure hecan devote some valuable leisure time with his family at their countryresidence on a peninsula of the beautiful Stockholm Archipelago.

