Release date: 05/20/1947
Popularity: 2
Original language: JA
Record of a Tenement Gentleman

An errant salaryman's son gets lost until a man from the Tokyo tenements brings him to vendor Tane, who's reluctant to let the kid board.
Alternative titles
Diary of a Tenement Gentleman
Chi è di un inquilino
Note di un inquilino galantuomo
Erzählungen eines Nachbarn
Historia de un vecindario
Història de l'home de la pensió
Memorias de un inquilino
Récit d'un propriétaire
Zapiski wlasciciela czynszowej kamienicy
Жизнеописание 'некоего господина' из барака
Nagaya shinshiroku
Discurso de Um Proprietário
셋방살이의 기록
Production companies


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